Thailand part 4 – island hopping

The last island I have visited was Phuket. Another popular island in Thailand. But my time here was short and my plan kinda different. DAY 1 After arrival from PhiPhi I was very tired, I slept during the transfer but still. Then it took time to get to my hostel (TheGaliness International Backpacker Hostel Phuket).ContinueContinue reading “Thailand part 4 – island hopping”

Thailand part 3 – island hopping

The second island during my island hopping was PhiPhi. This island is one of the most popular islands in Thailand! That means lots of tourists! Which is something I wanted to avoid, but whatever, it is on my list! LETS´S DO IT! DAY 1 I arrived from the Koh Lanta by boat. after arrival, IContinueContinue reading “Thailand part 3 – island hopping”

Thailand part 2 – island hopping

The second part of the trip was island hopping!! SO EXCITED!! After long planning, I decided on Krabi, Phi Phi, and Phuket. For each one, I plan something extra! 😀 KRABI – KOH LANTA – LANTA COTTAGE The first island on my list was Krabi (Koh Lanta) – a place of stay: Lanta Cottage -ContinueContinue reading “Thailand part 2 – island hopping”

Thailand part 1 – Bangkok

The dream came true and I went for my very first SOLO trip to Thailand! The plan was: Bangkok – Krabi – PhiPhi – Phuket. I wanted to see as much as possible in a quite short time! Just another big city you can say, but it is actually a very cool city full ofContinueContinue reading “Thailand part 1 – Bangkok”


Moscow is one of the most important cities in the World! It is full of history and memories, but also full of different tastes!! 🙂 First thing I HAVE to mention is Visa. If you travel to Russia, you need to get Visa. Well, to lots of countries you need a Visa, why it shouldContinueContinue reading “Moscow”


Another place I have decided to visit! This time I went north to Norway, specifically Stavanger. And because flight ticket was cheap and I have friends there, I said, why not? I always wanted to visit Norway so why not start on the south?? You never heard about Stavanger before? Neither have I. 😀 AndContinueContinue reading “Stavanger”

Spain: Valencia – Las Fallas

If you want to see Valencia and enjoy the climax of the city, I would recommend visiting Valencia during Las Fallas. But first of all, what Las Fallas is?? Would I like it? And if so, when it is?! Las Fallas is a celebration which lasts almost one month. BUT the main event continues onlyContinueContinue reading “Spain: Valencia – Las Fallas”


This city was my dream from childhood. To see in reality that place we learn about in History classes. I loved antics and all the stories about Greek Gods and Goddess. It was so fascinating!!! I planned to visit Greece for so long that I was over excited when I finally went there!! ❤ ToContinueContinue reading “Athens”

New York

The Big Apple, the city that never sleeps, the center of everything!!! The most beloved New York! I wished to visit the USA and New York is one of the cities on my must see list!! The dream came true!!! My “little dream” came true!! ❤ When I planned this trip I wanted to seeContinueContinue reading “New York”